
Ruben A. Mesa教授:髓系恶性肿瘤的治疗进展

作者:  R.A.Mesa   日期:2014/9/16 15:59:40  浏览量:26190


编者按:Ruben?A.?Mesa ,医学博士、教授。梅奥诊所癌症中心血液科主任,国际血液学学会(ISH)科学和教育委员会主席。致力于骨髓增殖性肿瘤的治疗,包括真性红细胞增多症、原发性血小板增多症和骨髓纤维化。

  <International Hepatology>: Imatinib is a drug used to treat certain types of cancer including chronic myeloid leukemia.  By far how do you assess its performance in treatment of CML?


  Prof.Mesa:Imatinib is a watershed drug in the therapy of cancer.  As a targeted therapy for CML Chronic Phase has been one of the most effective single agent oral therapies for any cancer that has ever been developed.  In results of the watershed mechanistically for the development of other tyrosine kinase inhibitors which have even a greater impact on CML, including

  Nilotinib, Dasatinib, Bosutinib, and eventually Ponatinib.  Indeed, now there are five approved tyrosine kinase inhibitors of which there are various international guidelines regarding their timing and sequence.


  <International Hepatology>: Disordered signaling for the JAK stat pathway is a hallmark of myeloproliferative neoplasms.  In the future will JAK inhibitors be used to treat myeloid malignancy and what will be future targeting agents of myeloid malignancies?


  Prof.Mesa:The JAK inhibitors, currently Ruxolitinib and other agents in development, such as Pacritinib and Momelotinib, are incredibly impactful in myelofibrosis, with Phase III data from the COMFORT1 and COMFORT2 studies for myelofibrosis clearly demonstrating significant impact in terms of improvement in splenomegaly symptoms and even survival.  Ongoing Phase III studies with Pacritinib and Momelotinib are ongoing as frontline therapies for patients with myelofibrosis.  Ruxolitinib has also demonstrated activity and significant benefit in the Phase III study for patients with second line therapy for polycythemia vera, demonstrating improvements in hemoglobin and hematocrit control, improvement in splenomegaly, and improvement of symptoms.  JAK inhibitors are being tested in myelodysplastic syndrome as well as MPN MDS overlap syndromes, although these data are not fully elucidated.

  Mesa教授:JAK通路抑制剂,当前已有的药物(如Ruxolitinib)和其他在研的药物(如Pacritinib、Momelotinib)都对骨髓纤维化治疗非常有效。骨髓纤维化COMFORT1 和 COMFORT2 III期的临床试验显示,JAK通路抑制剂对于脾大甚至生存都有很好的效果。Pacritinib和Momelotinib作为骨髓纤维化一线用药的III期临床研究正在进行。III期临床试验显示了Ruxolitinib在真性红细胞增多症患者的二线治疗中的有效性和很好获益:血红蛋白和红细胞压积的改善、脾大和临床症状的缓解。JAK通路抑制剂治疗MPN MDS重叠综合征患者的疗效,目前尚不清楚。

  <International Hepatology>: As the current clinical trials of MPNs are evolving from single agent to combination strategies, what are these combination strategies at present?


  Prof.Mesa:The combination strategies for myeloid malignancies build on a base of JAK inhibition as the main approved therapy for particularly myelofibrosis.  They exist along various themes.  The first theme is in combination with agents which might help to improve anemia, including Azacytosine, Decitabine, erythropoietin, pomalidimide, lenalidimide.  Then there are combination studies looking at combinations of JAK inhibition along with other agents which may impact the fibrosing process, including hedgehog inhibitors, locks O2 antibodies, and PI3 kinase inhibitors.  Finally, there are combinations with other strategies which have shown activity in a single agent, such as the histone deacetylase inhibitor panobinostat.  All of these combination studies are early enough in development.  It is not clear which will be superior.

  Mesa教授:髓系恶性肿瘤联合用药的策略是基于JAK通路抑制剂作为改善骨髓纤维化的主要治疗手段。联合用药有不同的方案:①联合可能有助于改善贫血的药物,如氮胞嘧啶、地西他滨、红细胞生成素、泊马度胺、来那度胺。②联合可能影响纤维化进程的药物,如hedgehog抑制剂、locks O2 抗体和PI3激酶抑制剂。③联合其他已经显示出单药有效性的药物,如组蛋白去乙酰化酶抑制剂——帕比司他。这些联合用药目前都处于早期研究阶段,优越性尚不清楚。

  <International Hepatology>: Can we monitor the effective treatment therapy for myeloid malignancies and how?


  Prof.Mesa:The response criteria for myeloid malignancies continue to evolve and truly are broken down disease by disease specific.  The goal for chronic myeloid leukemia is a very high bar with the achievement of major molecular response, complete molecular response as being the goal of therapy.  In patients with MPNs we utilize a combination of the international working group and ELN response criteria for PV, ET, and myelofibrosis that have various thresholds of response, including complete and partial responses as well as clinical improvement.  Response criteria for myelodysplastic syndrome overlap with these but are slightly different with differing goals such as improvement of cytopenias and delay in transformation to acute myeloid leukemia.  The myeloid malignancies have many areas of overlap; however, their phenotypes remain different.  The benefits the therapies have given them remain on a spectrum and on this basis there still is much individualization which is required regarding the utilization of therapy as well as the assessment of its response.


版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:吉晓蓉



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