[EAU 2016] 朱耀教授:前列腺癌随访观察,等待的风险有多大?

作者:  朱耀   日期:2016/3/14 17:09:20  浏览量:24228

















  朱耀 教授


  肿瘤外科学博士,复旦大学附属肿瘤医院泌尿外科副主任医师,主攻前列腺癌的微创根治术和综合治疗,熟练开展保留性神经和尿控的前列腺癌根治术。入选2016年上海市青年科技启明星计划、第七届复旦大学十大医务青年和第三批复旦大学卓学人才计划,获得2015第一三共制药奖教金。近年来在国际一流学术刊物上以第一作者和通讯作者发表论文40余篇,其中15篇发表于美国泌尿外科学会官方杂志Journal of Urology和英国泌尿外科学会的官方杂志BJU International,研究成果被纳入欧美泌尿外科诊治指南和经典教科书。作为课题负责人承担国家自然科学基金两项,获批实用新型专利1项。曾受邀在美国MD Anderson癌症中心和日本金泽大学做专题学术报告,多次在欧美泌尿外科年会做会场发言交流。2012年作为项目第二完成人获得上海市科技进步奖一等奖、上海市医学科技奖一等奖和教育部高等学校科技进步奖二等奖。



953 Reclassified in active surveillance for prostate cancer: Was it worthwhile taking the risk?

Hefermehl L., Lehmann K.( Kantonsspital Baden, Dept. of Urology, Baden, Switzerland)

Introduction & Objectives: During Follow-Up (FU) a relevant number of patients under Active Surveillance (AS) will need definitive treatment due to reclassification. Was it worth while taking the risk of delayed intervention?

Material & Methods: We analyzed all consecutive patients, which were enrolled in our prospective AS program at our institution from 1999 to 2014. Inclusion criteria and FU schedule had to be adapted over time but met general recommendations. Reclassification was defined either as Gleason Score (GS) > 6 and/or increased tumor volume in the biopsy (>2 cores; >50% of core; bilateral), and lead to definitive treatment.

ResultsWe included 171 men with a median age of 66 years (61-69). Documented FU was a median of 60 months (range 36-90). Reclassification rate was 28% (48 men) and took place after a median FU of 28 months with a wide range of 21-61 months. For reclassified men disease free survival including AS as well as post-treatment time was 81 (49-109) months. Biopsy GS leading to reclassification were ≤6, 7 (3+4), 7 (4+3), 8, 9 and 10 in 14 (29%), 21 (44%), 5 (10.5%), 2 (4%), 5 (10.5%) and 1 (2%) men respectively. Hence, reclassification with dominant aggressive Gleason pattern (≥ 4+3) was found in 27% and high-risk cancer (GS ≥8) was found in 17% (8/48).

Definitive treatment was Radical Prostatectomy (RP), external beam radio therapy (RT) or primary Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT) in 32, 14, 1 and one patient has not yet decided. Out of this group three men had progressive disease and underwent ADT, one primarily after 26 months, two secondary after RT (41 & 116 months after inclusion and 104 & 24 months after RT). Men under AS only had uneventful FU for a median of 56 months (36-79). This stands in discrepancy to the anticipated median of 79 (57-121) months due to insufficient data, because many men do not keep to the FU plan. Kaplan Meier analysis revealed disease free survival for the total AS cohort of 93%.

Conclusions: Our 15 years experience in AS shows excellent long-term oncologic outcome despite a considerable reclassification rate of 28%. However, patients need to be informed that reclassification can take place even after many years of uneventful FU and that one sixth of reclassified men will show high-risk cancer.

版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:果果



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