
[ICML2015]儿童和成人非霍奇金淋巴瘤的管理——访德国明斯特大学Birgit Burkhardt教授

作者:  Birgit.Burkhardt   日期:2015/7/14 16:12:28  浏览量:25092





It is probably more of a continuous disease that occurs in children and into adolescence and then adulthood. The subtype and biology might vary according to the patient’s age, but I don’t think there is a clear border between pediatric and adult non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. It is a continuous disease with specificities within respective age groups. There are histological subtypes that occur in children that vary from those that usually occur in adults but there are also subtypes that occur in both adults and children. For those subtypes, we really need more data to determine their biological differences.



In children, we primarily see T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma and anaplastic large cell lymphoma. For T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma, the experience of the BFM group supports a clear role for high-dose chemotherapy and allotransplant at the time of relapse. We have not yet identified a highest-risk group who would be candidates for transplant at first remission, but there are molecular data supporting the idea that it will be possible to identify a very high-risk T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma that would be an indication for allotransplant at first remission. Regarding anaplastic large cell lymphoma, there are again molecular data available that stratify patients into low- and high-risk groups. For the low-risk patients, there is no indication for allotransplant as first-line treatment. For high-risk patients, if they develop resistance to treatment, they have an indication but this is determined on an individual basis. At the time of relapse, it depends again on the risk profile. There are high-risk anaplastic large cell lymphoma patients who have an indication for allotransplant at the time of relapse. For peripheral T-cell lymphoma, which is a rare subtype of lymphoma in children and adolescents, the field is unclear. There are some high-risk hepatosplenic gamma-delta T-cell lymphomas which have an indication at first remission but this always has to be discussed with the individual case.



The prognosis for Burkitt’s lymphoma in adults has improved dramatically since the introduction of rituximab (not in the range of 80%, but close by). This was an important additional drug in the treatment of Burkitt’s lymphoma. It might be that children can accept more intense chemotherapy. The adults use the same regimen but usually at reduced intensity which may be influencing the overall outcomes. Children also have few problems with comorbidities. If you have a child with Burkitt’s lymphoma, you can start treatment immediately whereas in an adult patient, you have to consider cardiac toxicity and so on.

版面编辑:JYB  责任编辑:付丽云



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