
Anouk Hiensch教授:运动能有效缓解转移性乳腺癌(mBC)患者的疲劳,改善患者生活质量

作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2024/5/27 11:50:17  浏览量:2319


既往,多项研究探索了运动对早期癌症患者的影响,但我们很少看到运动对晚期癌症患者影响的研究。PREFERABLE-EFFECT是一项探索运动对转移性乳腺癌患者生活质量和疲劳影响的研究,肿瘤瞭望特邀请PREFERABLE-EFFECT研究PI——乌得勒支大学Julius医学中心Anouk Hiensch教授对PREFERABLE-EFFECT研究数据及对患者的影响进行介绍。

编者按:既往,多项研究探索了运动对早期癌症患者的影响,但我们很少看到运动对晚期癌症患者影响的研究。PREFERABLE-EFFECT是一项探索运动对转移性乳腺癌患者生活质量和疲劳影响的研究,肿瘤瞭望特邀请PREFERABLE-EFFECT研究PI——乌得勒支大学Julius医学中心Anouk Hiensch教授对PREFERABLE-EFFECT研究数据及对患者的影响进行介绍。

Anouk Hiensch教授:我是Anouk Hiensch,在乌得勒支大学Julius医学中心担任助理教授,主要研究方向是探索运动对肿瘤患者的影响。
Oncology Frontier:Please give us a brief introduction to the background of the PREFERABLE-EFFECT study.
Anouk Hiensch:Hi,I’m Anouk Hiensch.I’m working as an assistant professor at the Julius Center at the University Medical Center Utrecht.And I’m mainly doing research on the effects of exercise in patients with cancer.
So the last couple of decades,a lot of research has been done in the field of exercise oncology,which has led to several guidelines,including the ASCO and ACSM guidelines,showing that exercise has beneficial effects on cardiorespiratory fitness,fatigue and quality of life.But this research has mainly been conducted in the curative cancer setting.So that’s also why they highlighted that more research needs to be done in patients with metastatic breast cancer.And that’s where the PREFERABLE-EFFECT study came in.The primary aim of the PREFERABLE-EFFECT study was to investigate the effects of exercise in patients with metastatic breast cancer on quality of life and fatigue.

Anouk Hiensch教授:在PREFERABLE-EFFECT研究中,我们将患者随机分配到运动干预组和对照组。对照组接受常规护理并接受一般性的体育活动建议。而干预组则接受了为期九个月的结构化个体化运动计划,并由专业运动人员监督。我们监测了多项指标,包括患者报告的疲劳和生活质量等,在基线、三个月、六个月和九个月这几个时间点进行监测。结果显示,运动干预对患者的生活质量和疲劳有益。该研究的主要发现是,相较于对照组,干预组患者报告的生活质量更好,疲劳水平更低。
Oncology Frontier:What are the results of the PREFERABLE-EFFECT study?What is the significance for breast cancer patients?
Anouk Hiensch:So what we did in the PREFERABLE-EFFECT study is that we randomized patients to either an exercise intervention or a control group.And the control group received care as usual,and it was supplemented with a general physical activity advice.And the intervention group received a nine-month structured and individualized exercise program,which was supervised by an exercise professional.And we measured several things,patients reported outcomes,including fatigue and quality of life.And we measured them at baseline,at three months,six and nine months.And what we found is that the exercise intervention had beneficial effects on quality of life and also physical fatigue,our primary endpoints.Meaning that the patients in the intervention group reported higher levels of quality of life and lower levels of fatigue compared to the control group.
And in addition,we measured a lot of other clinically relevant outcomes for these patients.And we saw that they did better,the intervention group did better in terms of pain,role functioning,physical functioning,and also social functioning.Meaning that they could better engage in daily activities in their lives and meet with their friends and family.We found these nice results,and we wondered whether these effects apply to all patients in our study,so we also looked into subgroups of our population.
And what we found is that patients who are younger than 50 years old,have higher or larger effects of the exercise intervention on quality of life.Also in the older population,so people above 50 years or older,we also saw beneficial effects of exercise,but they were not as large as in the patients under 50 years of age.And we also saw that patients who have high levels of fatigue at baseline also have larger effects of the exercise intervention on quality of life.So based on that,we concluded that supervised exercise is beneficial for patients with metastatic breast cancer in terms of quality of life,physical fatigue,and also other clinically relevant endpoints.And we also concluded that our effects are more or less consistent across subgroups,but that we could define two important subgroups.So the patients who report pain at baseline do benefit more from the exercise intervention.And that patients who are older than 50 years of age also benefit from exercise,but more tailoring might be needed for them to benefit as much from the exercise intervention as the younger patients do.

Anouk Hiensch教授:既往研究显示运动能改善早期乳腺癌患者的疲劳状况。PREFERABLE-EFFECT研究数据也显示运动锻炼改善了患者的身体功能,并且对转移性乳腺癌患者同样有益。我们还观察到他们能够积极参与体育活动。因此,我们对患者参加运动课程的情况进行了调查。77%的人群能够在九个月的时间内参加相关运动课程。不能参加的主要原因可能是因为度假,可以料到在九个月的时间内确实会发生这种情况。或者,他们可能因为身体状况太差或正在接受治疗而无法参加。
Oncology Frontier:Do you think exercise can reduce fatigue in breast cancer patients,and should all patients with advanced breast cancer be physically active?
Anouk Hiensch:The PREFERABLE-EFFECT study led to improvements in physical functioning.And also from earlier research,we know that exercise has beneficial effects on fatigue in early stage breast cancer patients.But now with the PREFERABLE-EFFECT study,we also show that it’s also beneficial for patients with metastatic breast cancer.And we also saw that they could be physically active.So we looked into the attendance to the exercise sessions.And in 77%of the cases,they were able to attend the exercise sessions over the nine month period.And the main reasons for not being there were,for example,that they were on holidays,which you can imagine during a nine month period.Or that they were,for example,too sick or just had treatment.
Other than that,I think that our exercise program was actually quite extensive and also intensive.So meaning that they did high intensity interval training.And patients were doing that.And I think we can really train our patients and they can also do it on a moderate to high intensity.But we need to dive more into detail about the compliance and see how often we needed to adapt the program to the fitness levels of the patients.And that is something that we will do in the future.
Anouk Hiensch


版面编辑:张靖璇  责任编辑:无医学编辑



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