
ELCC现场直击丨Dr. Bradley点评PACIFIC-2:同步免疫治疗+放化疗未改善晚期肺癌的结局

作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2024/4/2 11:14:12  浏览量:3528


根据在2024年欧洲肺癌大会(ELCC 2024)上提交的PACIFIC-2试验的最终结果(摘要#LBA1),在不可切除的III期非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)患者中,与单独放化疗(CRT)相比,在放化疗的同时开始免疫治疗,然后进行巩固免疫治疗,没有为患者带来显著的生存获益。《肿瘤瞭望》在布拉格现场邀请研究作者、埃默里大学医学院Jeffrey D.Bradley教授对研究结果予以解读。

根据在2024年欧洲肺癌大会(ELCC 2024)上提交的PACIFIC-2试验的最终结果(摘要#LBA1),在不可切除的III期非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)患者中,与单独放化疗(CRT)相比,在放化疗的同时开始免疫治疗,然后进行巩固免疫治疗,没有为患者带来显著的生存获益。《肿瘤瞭望》在布拉格现场邀请研究作者、埃默里大学医学院Jeffrey D.Bradley教授对研究结果予以解读。
自从PACIFIC试验发布5年总生存(OS)和无进展生存(PFS)持续改善的数据,放化疗后无进展的患者接受1年度伐利尤单抗巩固治疗已经成为不可手术III期NSCLC的标准治疗(N Engl J Med 2017;377:1919-1929),然而由于同步放化疗期间或之后疾病进展、放射性肺炎或其他不良事件,多达1/3的患者不适合接受巩固治疗。
PACIFIC-2试验观察到度伐利尤单抗组PFS有改善趋势,但未达到统计学显著性(ELCC 2024,LBA1)
研究作者Jeffrey Bradley教授专访


Dr.Bradley:Patients with unresectable stage III NSCLC who get chemoradiation therapy today,after they complete chemoradiation,they should get durvalumab for up to a year,just like in the PACIFIC study.There is no indication right now to give it earlier during the course of chemotherapy and radiation.There are many other trials that are ongoing or have completed accrual that are asking the same question.Who knows whether those trials will have the same result as PACIFIC-2?
We had a very different patient population-we had large central tumors;we had worldwide distribution;we had more patients from Asia(about one-third were from Asia,and about a third from South America,for example),so whether the results will be the same from another geographic location,we don’t know and will have to see.
Right now,it doesn’t look like you should give it during chemotherapy and radiation therapy,but you definitely should give it after.Some people think that PD-L1 is not such a great tumor marker,and we need to improve our tumor markers.We could do a better job perhaps with ctDNA,for example,to find out how long we need to continue this therapy.Maybe it is less than a year;maybe three months or six months.So there are many questions that we can still ask,but the backbone,I think,is still the PACIFIC study.

具有讽刺意味的是,在PACIFIC-2研究中,大约一半的患者没有接受任何后续治疗。这也是PACIFIC-2的不同之处,我没有在2024 ELCC展示数据。试验中一半的患者在治疗失败后没有接受后续治疗,我认为现实世界中大多数患者会接受二线治疗。
Dr Bradley:Your question might indicate the patient has competed a full course of chemotherapy and radiation,and completed,let’s say,up to a year of immunotherapy.Maybe its before completion and they progress during immunotherapy or maybe after the immunotherapy has stopped.You would re-stage that patient.If they have one isolated metastasis,you should treat that very aggressively,and consider surgery or localized radiation therapy.If they have multiple metastases,I think you start from scratch.You re-biopsy the patient.You test for molecular abnormalities and mutations.You then deliver a treatment that might need a targeted therapy if there is an actual target,or give chemotherapy and immunotherapy.There are a lot of different scenarios where you might add more treatment to patients who fail on the PACIFIC study regimen.
Ironically,in our study,about half the patients didn’t get any subsequent therapy.That is something that is also different about PACIFIC-2.I didn’t show the data,but half the patients after they failed didn’t get a subsequent therapy.Today,I think most patients would get second-line treatment.

Dr.Bradley:I am a radiation oncologist,so when you ask a question about what does the future hold,that makes me think about clinical trials and what we can do to improve the outcomes for patients.There are different radiation techniques we can explore.There are trials in proton therapy.You have proton therapy units in China,and you are accruing to trials on proton therapy in China.In lung cancer,missing lymphocytes with protons and missing the heart with protons could be an advantage for patients.We have a trial with Energy Oncology(I am the Committee Chair for Energy Oncology,which is a cooperative group in the United States)where the trial investigated stereotactic radiation therapy to the primary tumor and chemoradiation to the nodes.Those are two examples.I learned of another one today-people are trying to do cardiac avoidance treatment planning,so we don’t treat a portion of the heart with radiation therapy,which looks to be an issue in a number of trials,perhaps including PACIFIC-2.So I think there are lots of things we can look at in the future for our patients with locally advanced disease.
Bradley JD,et al.Durvalumab in Combination with Chemoradiotherapy for Patients with Unresectable,Stage III NSCLC:Final Results from PACIFIC-2.European Lung Cancer Congress 2024,LBA1




版面编辑:张靖璇  责任编辑:无医学编辑



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