
ABC7丨Fatima Cardoso教授:新疗法、新模型助力晚期乳腺癌患者的全面改善

作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2023/11/21 17:53:42  浏览量:3586


2023年ESO-ESMO晚期乳腺癌国际共识大会(ABC7)在葡萄牙里斯本如期举行。ABC会议是晚期乳腺癌学术领域首屈一指的国际性会议,其主要目标是为ABC患者的管理制定国际共识指南。《肿瘤瞭望》在ABC7现场,特别荣幸邀请到本次大会主席、葡萄牙里斯本Champalimaud临床中心乳腺科主任Fatima Cardoso教授,就本次会议的整体安排、重要议题以及更新共识将给晚期乳腺癌治疗实践带来的重要变化等进行介绍。

编者按:2023年ESO-ESMO晚期乳腺癌国际共识大会(ABC7)在葡萄牙里斯本如期举行。ABC会议是晚期乳腺癌学术领域首屈一指的国际性会议,其主要目标是为ABC患者的管理制定国际共识指南。《肿瘤瞭望》在ABC7现场,特别荣幸邀请到本次大会主席、葡萄牙里斯本Champalimaud临床中心乳腺科主任Fatima Cardoso教授,就本次会议的整体安排、重要议题以及更新共识将给晚期乳腺癌治疗实践带来的重要变化等进行介绍。
Fatima Cardoso教授
Cardoso博士积极参与ESO、ESMO、EORTC、ASCO和AACR等众多专业组织的工作,并在多个委员会中任职。她曾是ESMO、ECCO和EORTC等数个董事会的成员。她创立了晚期乳腺癌(ABC)全球联盟和ABC国际共识指南会议,并担任主席和总裁。她是《乳腺癌杂志》的主编,《欧洲癌症杂志》的副主编以及其他几本期刊的编委会成员。2015年6月10日,她被葡萄牙总统授予“圣地亚哥·达斯帕达科学荣誉勋章”。她还获得了2011年Flims校友俱乐部(FAC)终身成就奖;2017年Nice-St Paul奖;2019年荣获了国际康复专业健康奖和2019“ABC大奖”,以表彰她在晚期乳腺癌领域的重要贡献。

Fatima Cardoso教授:ABC7会议是每两年举行一次的全球共识会议,用于修订晚期乳腺癌管理的指南。与会者不仅包括来自世界各地的医疗专业人员,还有患者以及患者权益维护者。
Oncology Frontier:As the chairman of this conference,please introduce the overall content arrangement of this conference to us.
So the ABC7 conference is an international consensus conference where we do every two years,the updated guidelines for the management of advanced breast cancer.It includes participants from all over the world,not only healthcare professionals,but also patients and patient advocates.

Fatima Cardoso教授:我们的议程涵盖了众多主题。今年,我们将重点关注疾病对照顾者和家庭的影响。我们将深入探讨一些比较复杂问题,如在战争或冲突期间如何治疗患者。我们还将探讨患者的权利,特别是住进重症监护室的患者。此外,我们将讨论具有挑战性的临床场景,包括如何治疗患有晚期乳腺癌且未怀孕的女性、同时患有HIV和晚期乳腺癌的患者以及老年、虚弱患者。此外,我们还将研究过去两年三种亚型中的发展情况,探讨新的治疗方法以及如何将它们整合到疾病管理算法中。
Oncology Frontier:What important topics or topics do you expect to discuss at the Advanced Breast Cancer Seventh International Consensus Conference?
We will cover a huge range of topics.This year,we will focus a lot on the impact of the disease in the caregivers and the family.We will also discuss complex issues,such as how do we treat patients during war or conflicts?What are the rights of the patients,particularly to be admitted in an intensive care unit?We will also look into very difficult clinical situations,such as women that have advanced breast cancer and are not pregnant,or patients that have both HIV and advanced breast cancer,or old,frail patients,how do we treat them?We will also look into what happened in the last two years in the three subtypes:what are the new treatments,and how do we incorporate them in the algorithm for the management of the disease?

Fatima Cardoso教授:变化应该主要集中在ER阳性、HER2阴性亚型上。对于三阴性和HER2阳性亚型,我们在ABC6会议上已经整合了新的治疗方法。然而,对于ER阳性、HER2阴性亚型,还需要讨论有一些新药物是否已经准备好投入实际应用。此外,我们也会讨论该特定亚型可用治疗方案的实施顺序。
Oncology Frontier:What do you think will be the big changes in the practice of advanced breast cancer in this ABC 7 consensus?
So most of the changes will be in the ER-positive,HER2 negative subtype,since for both the triple-negative and the HER2 positive,at ABC6,we already incorporated the new treatments.And so we have new agents that we have to discuss if they are ready for practice or not,and also different sequencing of the available therapies for this subtype of ER-positive,HER2 negative.

Fatima Cardoso教授:晚期乳腺癌患者面临着多重挑战。患有不可治愈的疾病,需要持续治疗并定期进行医院检查、检验和治疗,这会影响患者工作和履行职责,同时也让他们没办法很好地照顾亲友家人。对患者的全面支持至关重要,不仅要涵盖科学层面的需求(即治疗需求),还要包括患者及其家人其他的需求。在会议上,我们介绍了由ABC全球联盟与里斯本大学合作开发的新模型。该模型强调了为这些患者提供工作灵活性的重要性,并说明这样的安排可以为政府节约成本。我们的目标是倡导增加这些患者的权利,使他们能够在生活与治疗间取得平衡,而不是苦于疾病带来的困扰。
Oncology Frontier:How can breast cancer patients balance work,family and life in order to better cope with the challenges of treatment?
There’s a lot that advanced breast cancer patients have to balance.Living with a disease that it’s incurable,that needs constant treatment,constantly going to the hospital for checkups,for exams,for treatments.It’s very difficult to continue their work,and professional responsibilities as well as taking care of their loved ones.So they need to be supported in many areas,not just the scientific area,they need support and their families need support as well.We also presented in this conference a new model that we developed,the ABC Global Alliance developed together with the Lisbon University to show that these patients deserve to have flexibility in their work and that if we do that,even the state,and the government,will save money.So we hope that all of these will help these patients to acquire more rights,to be able to balance their whole life and not just the life focused on the disease.





版面编辑:张靖璇  责任编辑:无医学编辑



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