[ELCC 2015]生物标志物是否有助于肺小结节诊断—— Giulia Veronesi医生访谈

作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2015/4/28 16:52:07  浏览量:70689


编者按:来自意大利米兰的欧洲肿瘤研究所(IEO)和意大利人类研究医院(humanitas research hospital)的Giulia Veronesi医生的讲题“生物标志物是否有助于肺小结节诊断(Can biomarkers be of help in the diagnosis)”,设置在16日日程的“小结节的诊断带来的挑战(The diagnostic challenge of small nodules)”这一环节。生物标志物是一个热门话题,那么生物标志物对肺小结节的诊断有无帮助呢?为此《肿瘤瞭望》记者采访了Veronesi医生。

  Oncology Frontier: How to improve diagnostic accuracy of small pulmonary nodules?



  Dr. Veronesi: Diagnostic accuracy of small pulmonary nodules among screening studies is a really important objective. In our screening court, we had a nice sensitivity to detect lung cancer, and a specificity which was very good compared to other studies. However, not optimal in the sense that we had around 14% of nodules that had received surgical action that were benign. So compared to, for example, what has been obtained in other screening courts like NLST (the national lung screening trial), it is a good result because NLST had more than 20-25% of false positives at surgery—so it’s not that good. But our objective is to reduce the false positive rate to the minimum. What we have found in our ten year annual screening, in which it is obviously important to have the diagnostic algorithm that takes into consideration different parameters like VDT (volume doubling time) of nodules, the CT, PET result, the size, the shape of the nodules, and so on. In our court, we take into consideration all these parameters among precise diagnostic algorithms. We can see that this false positive detection rate was reduced over the years with increased experience, so it’s also important that any positive case is discussed in an inter- and multi-disciplinary team meeting to obtain the maximum accuracy for these nodules.



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版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:张彩琴


生物标记物肺小结节诊断肺癌早期诊断恶性孤立性肺结节ELCC 2015

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