[NCCN 2015] HER-2阳性乳腺癌最佳治疗——NCCN乳腺癌指南专家组主席Gradishar博士专访

作者:  W.J.Gradishar   日期:2015/3/14 17:15:27  浏览量:54166


专家简介:William J. Gradishar,NCCN乳腺癌指南专家组主席、执笔委员会成员(执笔者之一),美国临床肿瘤学会提名委员会主席。美国西北大学Feinberg医学院肿瘤内科学教授、任职于西北大学纪念医院、Robert H. Lurie综合癌症中心。主要研究兴趣为乳腺癌治疗新手段开发。

  Oncology Frontier:For patients in remission or stable after first-line treatment, when do we stop breast cancer treatment?




  Dr Gradishar: For patients with metastatic breast cancer who receive anti-HER2 therapy and who have demonstrated a response to that therapy, we may, over time, stop the chemotherapy part of the treatment but will typically continue the anti-HER2 therapy indefinitely. We would rescan the patient at regular intervals to determine whether they continue to benefit from the antibodies.




  Oncology Frontier: Are there any changes in the latest NCCN Guidelines for HER2-positive breast cancer?




  Dr Gradishar: The NCCN Guidelines are pretty clear that we recommend anti-HER2 therapy. We are less committed to saying it must be given to patients who have very tiny tumors but say it should be considered even in node-negative, <1cm tumors. That is clearly true if they are hormone receptor-negative. Patients with tumors >1cm in size should receive anti-HER2 therapy as their outcome will be improved as a result of that therapy as standard of care.



  Gradishar医生:NCCN指南明确推荐,HER-2阳性乳腺癌采取抗HER-2治疗。但并非建议抗HER-2治疗肿瘤非常小的患者,只是建议淋巴结阴性、肿瘤<1 cm的患者也要考虑抗HER-2疗法,激素受体阴性的患者更要如此。肿瘤> 1cm的患者应以抗HER-2疗法作为标准治疗以改善治疗结果。


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NCCN乳腺癌指南HER-2阳性乳腺癌抗HER-2治疗 HER-2阳性乳腺癌治疗 NCCN 2015

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