[NCCN2015]NCCN首席执行官Robert W. Carlson博士深入解读NCCN肿瘤临床实践指南——Robert W. Carlson博士访谈

作者:  R.W.Carlson   日期:2015/3/12 16:50:27  浏览量:78787


编者按:第20届NCCN年会即将于3月12日~14日在美国佛罗里达州好莱坞市召开。在会议开幕前一天,《肿瘤瞭望》前方记者采访了现任NCCN的首席执行官Robert W. Carlson博士,深入解读NCCN肿瘤临床实践指南,阐释NCCN指南与ASCO指南的差异,NCCN指南对中国患者是否适用等热点问题。Carlson博士还是斯坦福大学医学中心教授,著名乳腺癌专家,主持了多项大型临床试验。

  Oncology FrontierMight this difference cause problems for physicians in attempting to manage patients?




  Dr Carlson: I don’t think the way the two guidelines are developed impact much on their ability to be used at the point of patient care. The ASCO Guidelines generally use a formal systematic review process where a specific protocol is developed and a panel of experts is appointed to review extensive amounts of literature and data to make determinations based upon a very specific set of questions that are typically fairly limited within a clinical context. Using the ASCO formal systematic review process, if there is not much high-quality data that exists for a patient decision, the ASCO system cannot make a recommendation. Within the NCCN, we utilize high-level evidence in making recommendations when there is high-level evidence available (as does ASCO). However, in those places where there is not high-level evidence, the NCCN process can still make recommendations. In that context, recommendations are based on a consensus of experts for that specific disease. An analysis of our own guidelines has shown that only 6% of the places where choices need to be made within the spectrum of oncology care are based on high-level evidence. If you focus only on those places where there is high-level evidence available, you end up not being very helpful in the vast majority of circumstances that patients find themselves in.




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