[SABCS2014]中国等发展中国家乳腺癌管理现状分析及建言 ——西雅图华盛顿大学Benjamin O. Anderson教授专访

作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2014/12/11 16:06:22  浏览量:60080


编者按:全世界乳腺癌发病率和死亡率正在不断升高,尤其是中低收入国家。1980~2010年统计数据显示,中低收入国家乳腺癌发病率和死亡率分别上升了60%和53%,而高收入国家分别是47%和20%。由于资源有限,富有国家中所应用的最理想治疗方法无法在低收入国家中实现。在2014年圣安东尼奥乳腺癌研讨会上,中低收入国家乳腺癌的管理也是与会者讨论的重点。对此,《肿瘤瞭望》记者现场采访了西雅图华盛顿大学全球健康医学和外科教授Benjamin O. Anderson医生。

  Oncology Frontier: In the global breast cancer session last evening, where you spoke, there was one distinction in one Asian country and that is Japan, who has adopted many western ways, they still have a breast cancer rate which is not equal in western women. Can you talk about that?


  Dr. Anderson: There is an ongoing global discussion about differences between women of Asian descent and women of European descent. Women of African descent seem to be more similar to the Europeans than to the Chinese. We see somewhat similar patterns in China, Korea, and Japan. The issue is that globally when breast cancer rates are very low, in those same countries we typically have very advanced disease and the survival rates are low, so when countries have very low rates often it is because there is no surveillance rates for breast cancer and you do not find it until it is very advanced and it takes people’s lives. As countries make transitions and I believe China is in transition. The healthcare system starts to rev up for being ready to make these diagnoses and so you see these rapidly raising rates of incidence. In that transition mortality tends to rise in a similar way, so I think China is in that sort of phase as is Japan and Korea. What Japan and Korea have not yet seen and this is different from Europe, they have not yet seen the plateau in breast cancer mortality and they are beginning to drop. Mortality for breast cancer started to drop in the United States in about 1991 and that was presumably related to the combination of population based screening and use of effective therapies. The Asian countries have not yet adopted population based screening strategies. Mammography is the test that has been shown in randomized trials to improve survival but mammography has not been accepted in China, Japan, and Korea in the same way that it has been in western countries. It might be because there is something cultural about it that makes it not as acceptable and it might be because it does not work as well in Asian women. The point is often made that Asian women are built differently, they are typically very slender, they have small breasts, it is difficult to get the breast between the plates, and when you do it the breast tissue looks quite dense and makes it hard to see through. It might be that mammography is not as effective in Asian women as it is in others. It also might be that it is as effective, it just has not been accepted. That is not a question that has been well addressed, we do not have any large screening mammography trials that have been done in reliable ways that you can really answer this question well, but it is notable that countries that have decreasing mortality rates at a population level, essentially all of them have taken on mammography. This is an important question for China, what are they going to do. There is the point of maybe a combination of clinical breast examination in ultrasound could be used in China with similar effect that remains in question. It has not yet been evaluated in a way that the data has proven it to work. The ultrasound is different from mammography, because it evaluates masses. Masses are almost always invasive cancer whereas mammography can find calcifications, which commonly can represent DCIS. DCIS is preinvasive cancer. If you find it at that point, mortality approaches zero. It may be that an ultrasound strategy might work in Chinese woman, but it also might be that then you still have a higher fraction of women with invasive cancer where good outcomes are still difficult to achieve. I think it is terribly important for China to consider organized, thoughtful strategies for early detection, and that they measure their outcomes. Without those measurements, it would be very difficult to know what it is that is making improvements.


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版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:侯丹丹


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