[SABCS2014]讲述自身领域进展,概览本届会议亮点——Ismail Jatoi访谈

作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2014/12/10 18:12:13  浏览量:26473



  Oncology Frontier: Dr. Jatoi, what do you think of the evolution of local therapy of breast cancer in the face of improved adjuvant therapies?


  Dr. Jatoi: So I think local therapy and adjuvant systemic therapy are complementary. I think there are instances where in the past we had to be very careful about getting wide margins or clear margins around the tumor. I think with improved adjuvant systemic therapy and also adding adjuvant radiotherapy into that, the issue of clear margins around the tumor does not become as overriding an issue as it was several years ago. It has been, as you perhaps know, a decision made by many, and it is a consensus decision, that no tumor on ink is sufficient as a clear margin or a clear surgical marker on the tumor. With better systemic therapy and adjuvant therapy we do not need to go beyond that, we do not need to do more expansive operations because of the effect. We also have good adjuvant systemic therapy and good adjuvant regulatory therapy that complement. We are talking about the fact that we have a pathologist who after you remove the tumor will look at it under the microscope and if there is no tumor on the ink margin I would argue and many others would argue that that is a sufficient local therapy and a sufficient local surgical therapy. Going beyond that is not going to improve outcomes. I think our obsession with going beyond that is no longer necessary because of improvements in adjuvant systemic therapy and radiotherapy, so I think these complementary therapies basically have reduced and helped us dramatically to reduce the risk of local recurrence in breast cancer after breast conserving therapy.


  Oncology Frontier: Can you talk about the effect of localized therapy on breast cancer mortality?


  Dr. Jatoi: There are no randomized trials looking at local therapy of breast cancer versus no local therapy. We have randomized trials looking at local therapy versus local therapy plus adjuvant systemic therapy and we know what the added benefit of adjuvant systemic therapy is beyond local therapy alone but there are no randomized trials looking at breast cancer local therapy versus no local therapy. We do know now from post mastectomy radiotherapy trials that radiotherapy does reduce breast cancer mortality in patients after mastectomy who have high risk tumors. So there does seem to be a clear benefit to local therapy in terms of reducing the risk of mortality. When I say local therapy I mean surgery and radiotherapy. I think this is an important question but to say what effect does local therapy alone versus no local therapy have on breast cancer mortality, we do not have an answer for that question because there have been no trials that address that issue. Such trials would be deemed unethical. We cannot do those kinds of trials.


  Oncology Frontier: In observational studies, contralateral prophylactic mastectomy is often associated with reductions in breast cancer specific in all cause mortality when compared to unilateral surgical treatments alone. Could you talk about these studies and how they compare and contrast?


  Dr. Jatoi: There have been several studies that have been published in recent years that have looked at patients with unilateral breast cancer who undergone not only unilateral mastectomy but also contralateral prophylactic mastectomy in those who have had bilateral mastectomy or unilateral breast cancer and many of these studies have shown improvements and have shown that contralateral prophylactic mastectomy is associated with improvements in survival. I think there is a strong selection bias with these studies. Now there are patients with unilateral breast cancer who undergo bilateral mastectomy rather than simply unilateral mastectomy. They are perhaps healthier and perhaps come from patients with better access to healthcare. When we compared in these patients, mortality and non-cancer mortality, what we found is that patients with unilateral breast cancer who undergo bilateral mastectomy have lower non-cancer mortality in addition to breast cancer specific in all cause mortality suggesting there is a strong selection bias. Now women who undergo bilateral mastectomy in unilateral breast cancer are a select group of women and probably a healthier core of women who have better access of healthcare. It is very likely that these other factors influence the association between contralateral prophylactic mastectomy and the improvement of breast cancer specific and all cause mortality.


  Oncology Frontier: Lastly, Dr. Jatoi, could you talk about the importance about the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium? What it means to your specific discipline of medicine and what do you expect this year at the symposium?


  Dr. Jatoi: This is the largest breast cancer meeting in the world. We have scientists, clinicians, practicing doctors coming from all over the world who have an interest in breast cancer and attend the meeting. The meeting includes medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, surgical oncologists, as well as epidemiologists and basic scientists who have an interest in breast cancer. There are going to be a lot of different topics discussed this year. There is going to be an impetus this year I think on breast cancer as a global problem whereas in developing countries for example, you know we see that breast cancer rates are increasing and that is going to be discussed in this meeting. There is also going to be discussions about treating the disease in countries where resources might be limited. For example the use of radial therapy in countries with limited resources is going to be discussed at a satellite symposium. There is going to be discussions on what we just talked about now, contralateral prophylactic mastectomy, why rates are going up in the United States and other parts of the world as well. We have learned in recent years also that breast cancer is a heterogenous disease, that there are probably different subtypes of cancer and so there is going to be discussions about treating these different subtypes of breast cancer in a more targeted manner. That is going to be a topic discussed and in particular there is a lot of interest in what people refer to as triple negative breast cancer. That is estrogen receptor negative, progesterone receptor negative, and Her2 negative breast cancer and there is going to be quite a bit of discussion on where we should go in terms of treating triple negative breast cancer. This is going to be a meeting where there is probably going to be close to 8000 attendees. I think there is going to be a wide array of topics discussed and different perspectives on these issues need to be discussed. Randomized trials which of course are the gold standards for evidence based medicine are going to receive quite a bit of coverage at this meeting and hopefully will play a prominent role in the way we treat breast cancer in the future. As you probably know breast cancer mortality rates have been declining over the last 25 years or so and continued progress in the treatment of breast cancer is going to require well designed randomized trials in the future and the application and results of those trials, in the management of the patient with breast cancer.



版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:何豫



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