
WCLC主席说丨IASLC主席Paul Van Schil教授畅谈大会热点与IASLC发展方向

作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2024/9/10 13:23:45  浏览量:1836


肿瘤瞭望记者奔赴WCLC会议现场,特邀IASLC主席Paul Van Schil教授对本届WCLC大会热点及IASLC发展方向进行讨论。

由国际肺癌研究协会(IASLC)主办的2024世界肺癌大会(WCLC)于2024年9月7日晚在美国圣地亚哥开幕,目前正在如火如荼地进行中。肿瘤瞭望记者奔赴WCLC会议现场,特邀IASLC主席Paul Van Schil教授对本届WCLC大会热点及IASLC发展方向进行讨论。

Paul Van Schil教授:IASLC是一个致力于胸部肿瘤学的多学科世界性组织。我们在科学和教育以及促进多学科护理方面努力实施我们的战略计划。正如我在主席发言中所说的那样,我们设立了几个委员会,这些委员会目前正在工作中,每个委员会都包括基础和临床科学。我们认为非常重要的每个主题都有一个委员会,包括已经设立很久的分期委员会。分期委员会也是我很久以前加入IASLC的原因。你现在在楼下的展览大厅里看到的新出版的第九版TNM分期就是我们的关键项目之一。此外,每个委员会都制定了一个从这次会议开始实施的两年计划,我们的目标是在全球范围内开展多学科合作,让每个大洲都参与到我们的工作中来。
Dr Van Schil:As you know,the IASLC,the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer,is a multidisciplinary and worldwide organization devoted to thoracic oncology.We try to implement our strategic plan,which is about the science and education,but also the promotion of multidisciplinary care.To that end,as I said in my Presidential Address,we have created several committees that are now working.Every committee covers basic science and clinical sciences.There is a committee for each topic we think is very important.We also have had for a long time,and the reason I joined IASLC a long time ago,we have the Staging Committee.We now have the 9th TNM Edition coming out,and you can see flyers for that downstairs in the Exhibition Hall.So,one of our flagships is staging.Every committee has made a two-year plan,which will be implemented from this Meeting onwards.Our aim is to be multidisciplinary worldwide,and to have every continent involved in what we are doing.

《肿瘤瞭望》:2024 WCLC大会上有很多重要肺癌试验的结果公布。请您谈一谈本次大会您印象比较深的研究发现?

Paul Van Schil教授:我们刚刚举行了第一次主席研讨会。明天,我们将举行第二次主席研讨会。在会上,我们讨论了肿瘤免疫学的主要进展以及靶向治疗。我知道在亚洲,你们对靶向治疗特别感兴趣,因为你们驱动基因突变的发生率很高,例如EGFR突变的发生率比欧洲更高。我们还在主席研讨会上讨论了筛查和筛查间隔的问题。我还认为CheckMate 77T和CheckMate 816研究之间的比较非常有趣。我是一名外科医生,所以我对了解应该只进行新辅助治疗还是应该进行围手术期治疗很感兴趣。可能有一些亚组患者需要围手术期治疗,例如那些没有达到主要病理学缓解(MPR)的患者,但具体包括哪些患者我们需要进一步了解。本次大会还有很多试验的报告在未来两天发布,因此我不能对所有的热点进行总结,但欢迎你阅读摘要并参加我们的会议,而且这些报告有现场直播,你可以在会后观看回放。
Dr Van Schil:We just had the Presidential Symposium No.1.Tomorrow,we have No.2.There,we discussed the major advances in immuno-oncology,and also the targeted therapies.I know in Asia,you are particularly interested in targeted therapies,as you have a lot of mutations,for example,EGFR mutations,occurring more frequently than we see in Europe.We also discussed at the Presidential Symposium,screening and the interval of screening.That is another important issue.I also thought the comparison that was given between the CheckMate 77T and CheckMate 816 studies was quite interesting.I am a surgeon,so it is interesting to see whether we should only give neoadjuvant therapy or should we go over to peri-operative therapy.There are probably some subgroups of patients where perioperative therapy is indicated,for example,those who do not have a major pathological response,but this is something that we need to find out further.There are a lot of trials ongoing.I cannot,of course,give a summary of all of them,but you are welcome to read the abstracts and attend our sessions.There is live streaming,and you can see them back afterwards at the end of the Meeting.

Paul Van Schil教授:我是一名外科医生,但是重要的不仅仅是我们的外科治疗,而是我们需要对每个患者包括早期患者进行多学科的讨论。当然,我们必须讨论哪些患者真正符合立即手术的条件,哪些患者我们应该先进行新辅助治疗然后再进行手术,或者对一些患者先进行新辅助治疗、手术,然后进行辅助治疗,我们现在称之为围手术期治疗。正在进行的一些大型试验表明,对于某些适应症需要进行围手术期治疗。当然,我们也要考虑治疗方案的成本,还有报销。在欧洲不是什么都报销,我想在亚洲和北美也是如此。
Dr Van Schil:I am a surgeon,so what is important is not only our surgical treatment,but we need to go to a multidisciplinary discussion for every patient,including early stage patients.There,of course,we have to have discussions about which patients really qualify for immediate surgery,and which patients should we start with neoadjuvant therapy and then do the surgery,or in some patients,as I mentioned,there is neoadjuvant therapy,surgery and followed with adjuvant treatment,which we now call perioperative treatment.There are some large trials ongoing showing that for some indications,perioperative treatment is indicated.Of course,we also have to take care of the cost of it,and also the reimbursement.Not everything is reimbursed in Europe,and I think in Asia and North America,it is exactly the same.


Paul Van Schil教授:我很高兴也很自豪能在这个50周年纪念会议上担任主席。现在我们又可以在线下见面。几年前,因为新冠肺炎,我们的IASLC办事处有一个过渡的阶段,但是如你所见,一切都运行得非常顺利。我对本次会议有6500多名参会者感到非常高兴。2024WCLC接收了很多摘要,也设置了很多教育课程。正如我在我的主席发言中提到的,达到一定的水平是相当困难的,保持这个水平更是难上加难。因此,我希望我们拥有的这个组织以及所有的参与者和成员可以在未来的五十年里继续保持很高的水平,推进胸部肿瘤学以一种充分和良好的方式真正治疗肺癌和胸部肿瘤。
Dr Van Schil:I am very pleased,and am very proud to be President at this 50th Anniversary Meeting.Nowadays,we can meet each other again.A few years ago,we had COVID and we had a transition at our IASLC office,but everything is running very smoothly now as you can see.We are very pleased with more than 6500 participants at this Meeting.We have a lot of abstracts that were accepted.We have a lot of educational sessions also.As I mentioned during my Presidential Address,getting to a certain level is quite difficult,and keeping that level very high is even more difficult.So I hope with the organization that we have,with all the participants and membership,we can stay on a very high level for the next fifty years,and advance thoracic oncology to really treat lung cancer and thoracic tumors in an adequate and good way.



版面编辑:张靖璇  责任编辑:无医学编辑



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